- 단행본
- 기성환, 김규봉, 노윤석, 박애경, 배옥남, 이무열, 이상규, 이주영, 천경수, 정규혁, 유환수, 양미희, 채병숙, 권도영, 김형식, 김상겸, 정혜광, 창동신, 김근영, 김성연, 김은희, 김태현, 김하룡, 배지현, 서원효, 오승현, 이병훈, 임경민, 정태천, 조영창, 박광식, 정영석, 민도식, 전상민, 김영미, 박용주,최성숙, 예방약학 II, 신일북스, 2023
- 기성환, 김규봉, 노윤석, 박애경, 배옥남, 이무열, 이상규, 이주영, 천경수, 정규혁, 유환수, 양미희, 채병숙, 권도영, 김형식, 김상겸, 정혜광, 창동신, 김근영, 김성연, 김은희, 김태현, 김하룡, 배지현, 서원효, 오승현, 이병훈, 임경민, 정태천, 조영창, 박광식, 정영석, 민도식, 전상민, 김영미, 박용주,최성숙, 예방약학 I, 신일북스, 2023
- Bilal Bin Hafeez, Eunmi Park, Kyung-Soo Chun, Yong-Yeon Cho and Dae Joon Kim, Regulation and Dysfunction of Apoptosis, IntechOpen, 2022
- 이영숙, 곽미경, 이원식, 천경수, 2021 한국약학교육협의회 약물명 자료집, (사)한국약학교육협의회, 2021
- 김환묵 외 43명, 제9판 예방약학, 신일북스, 2020
- Byung-MU Lee 외 17명, Lu's Basic Toxicology, CRC Press, 2017
- 정규혁, 허문영, 김규봉, 윤여표, 정주희, 박애경, 양미희, 노윤석, 유환수, 이은영, 신윤용, 정세영, 천경수, 김상겸, 김형식, 배지현, 정태천, 정혜광, 창동신, 기성환, 김은희, 김환묵, 배옥남, 오승현, 이무열, 이병훈, 이효종, 임경민, 정영석, 이주영, 박광식, 박영자, 김성연, 김영철, 전상민, 이윤희, 정진호, 최성숙, 김영미, 김대경, 이상규, 예방약학, 신일북스, 2017
- 윤여표, 이병훈, 배옥남, 정진호, 이무열, 정태천, 이상규, 정기화, 김봉희, 김규봉, 천경수, 김영철, 창동신, 김대경, 김애경, 정혜광, 표명윤, 양미희, 문창규, 유환수, 신윤용, 정규혁, 김영미, 정주희, 김형식, 신태용, 김성연, 배지현, 정세영, 허문영, 김상겸, 기성환, 박광식, 기능별로 본 건강기능식품학, 신일북스, 2017
- Fereidoon Shahidi, Cesarettin turk 외 42명, Handbook of Functional Beverages and Human Health, CRC Press, 2016
- 김환묵 외, 제7판 예방약학, 신일북스, 2015
- 김환묵 외 , 임상독성학, 신일북스, 2015
- 김환묵 외 , 보건약학, 신일서적(주), 2014
- 배수경, 윤영란, 송임숙, 천경수, 하은미, 이재원, 오정미, 최지엽, 정면우, 박필훈, 이인향, 최지하, 곽혜선, 이수준, 최은주, 약물유전체학, 신일서적(주), 2014
- Kyung-Soo Chun et al., Cancer and Inflammation Mechanisms, Wiley, 2014
- 정세영 외 32인, 질환별로 본 건강기능식품학 제3판, 신일북스, 2013
- 이석영 외 , 제2판 약학입문, 신일북스, 2012
- (사)한국약학교육협의회 예방약학분과회 일동, 예방약학 제6판, 신일북스, 2011
- 논문
- 심소진, 장정훈, 최준석, 천경수, Domperidone, a Dopamine Receptor D2 Antagonist, Induces Apoptosis by Inhibiting the ERK/STAT3-Mediated Pathway in Human Colon Cancer HCT116 Cells, BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS, 32(5), 568-576, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-06-30
- Vinit Raj , 천경수, 이상길, State-of-the-art advancement in tara gum polysaccharide (Caesalpinia spinosa) modifications and their potential applications for drug delivery and the food industry, Carbohydrate Polymers, 323, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-01-01
- Rajina Shakya, Mi Ran Byun, 주상훈, 천경수, 부교수, Domperidone Exerts Antitumor Activity in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells by Modulating Reactive Oxygen Species and JAK/STAT3 Signaling, Biomolecules & Therapeutics, 31(6), 692-699, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-11-01
- Anugya Gupta, Rajesh Haldhar, Vipul Agarwal, Dharmendra Singh Rajput, 천경수, Sang Beom Han, Vinit Raj, 이상길, Exploring the Potential of Natural Products as FoxO1 Inhibitors : an In Silico Approach, Biomolecules & Therapeutics, 32(3), 390-398, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-05-01
- 바니야 마노즈 쿠마르, 김은희, 천경수, Terfenadine, a histamine H1 receptor antagonist, induces apoptosis by suppressing STAT3 signaling in human colorectal cancer HCT116 cells, FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY, 15, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-06-13
- 국은진, 천경수, 김도희, Emerging Roles of YES1 in Cancer: The Putative Target in Drug Resistance, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 25(3), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-01-25
- 천경수, 김은희, 김도희, 송나영, 김원기, 나헤경, 서영준, Targeting cyclooxygenase-2 for chemoprevention of inflammation-associated intestinal carcinogenesis: An update, BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 228, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2024-05-03
- 민진영, 천경수, 김도희, The versatile utility of cysteine as a target for cancer treatment, FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY, 12, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-01-19
- Suman Giri, 박규환, 최준석, 교수, 천경수, 주상훈, MS-5, a Naphthalene Derivative, Induces Apoptosis in Human Pancreatic Cancer BxPC-3 Cells by Modulating Reactive Oxygen Species, BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS, 31(1), 68-72, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2023-01-01
- 천경수, 주상훈, Modulation of Reactive Oxygen Species to Overcome 5-Fluorouracil Resistance, BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS, 30(6), 479-489, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-11-01
- 천경수, 김도희, Raut, P.K, 서영준, Anticancer natural products targeting immune checkpoint protein network, SEMINARS IN CANCER BIOLOGY, 86, 1008-1032, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-11-01
- Pawan Kumar Raut, 이희성, 주상훈, 천경수, Thymoquinone induces oxidative stress-mediated apoptosis through downregulation of Jak2/STAT3 signaling pathway in human melanoma cells, FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, 157, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-11-01
- Se-Young Park, Sun Kyoung Lee, Mihwa Lim, Bomi Kim, Byeong-Oh Hwang, Eunae Sandra Cho, Xianglan Zhang, Kyung-Soo Chun, Won-Yoon Chung, Na-Young Song, Direct Contact with Platelets Induces Podoplanin Expression and Invasion in Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells, BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS, , -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2022-05-01
- Byeong-Oh Hwang, Se-Young Park, Eunae Sandra Cho , Xianglan Zhang, Sun Kyoung Lee, Hyung-Joon Ahn, Kyung-Soo Chun, Won-Yoon Chung , Na-Young Song, Platelet CLEC2-Podoplanin Axis as a Promising Target for Oral Cancer Treatment, FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 12, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-12-15
- Do-Hee Kim, Kyung-Soo Chun, Pawan Kumar Raut, Young-Joon Surh , Role of chemopreventive phytochemicals in NRF2-mediated redox homeostasis in humans, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 172, 699-715, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-08-20
- 박세영, 황병오, 임미화, 오승호, 이선경, 천경수, 박광균, 정원윤, 송나영, Yinling Hu, Oral-Gut Microbiome Axis in Gastrointestinal Disease and Cancer, CANCERS, 13(9), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-04-28
- 박소영, 서유리, 고민지, 이재호, 천경수, 김민지, 추영국, 이태진, 이윤한, Targeting CALM2 Inhibits Hepatocellular Carcinoma Growth and Metastasis by Suppressing E2F5-mediated Cell Cycle Progression, ANTICANCER RESEARCH, 41(3), 1315-1325, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-03-01
- Moon-Young Song, Da-Young Lee , Kyung-Soo Chun, Eun-Hee Kim, The Role of NRF2/KEAP1 Signaling Pathway in Cancer Metabolism, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 22(9), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-04-22
- Shakya Rajina , 김우진, 심정현, 천경수, 주상훈, 신화경, 이세연, 최준석, Isolinderalactone induces cell death via mitochondrial superoxide- and STAT3-mediated pathways in human ovarian cancer cells, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 21(20), 1-14, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-10-13
- 김수진, 김원기, 김도희, 장정훈, 김수정, 박신애, 한영구, 한병우, 나혜경, 천경수, 최부영, 서영준, Resveratrol suppresses gastric cancer cell proliferation and survival through inhibition of PIM-1 kinase activity, ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 689, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-08-15
- Kyung-Soo Chun, Jeong-Hoon Jang, Do-Hee Kim, Perspectives Regarding the Intersections between STAT3 and Oxidative Metabolism in Cancer, CELLS, 9(10), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-09-29
- Su-Jun Lee, Na-Young Song, Kyung-Soo Chun, Geumi Park, Do-Hee Kim, Thymoquinone Suppresses Migration of Human Renal Carcinoma Caki-1 Cells through Inhibition of the PGE(2)-Mediated Activation of the EP2 Receptor Pathway, BIOMOLECULES THERAPEUTICS, 29(1), 64-72, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2021-01-01
- Hoon-Jeong Shin, Do-Hee Kim, Hye-Won Yum, Su-Jung Kim, Kyung-Soo Chun , Hye-Kyung Na, Young-Joon Surh, Xiancai Zhong, Preventive effects of Korean red ginseng on experimentally induced colitis and colon carcinogenesis, Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 10(3), 198-206, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-04-25
- 서영준, 나혜경, 조남철, 김성훈, 김수정, 김도희, 신준완, 천경수, Curcumin induces stabilization of Nrf2 protein through Keap1 cysteine modification, BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 173, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-03-01
- 채인경, 천경수, 박정민, 이무열, 김도희, 송나영, Thymoquinone induces apoptosis of human renal carcinoma Caki-1 cells by inhibiting JAK2/STAT3 through pro-oxidant effect, FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, 139, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-05-01
- 서영준, 천경수, 차혁진, 권옥선, 장정훈, 김도희, 윤효진, Nuclear Factor Erythroid-Derived 2-Like 2-Induced Reductive Stress Favors Self-Renewal of Breast Cancer Stem-Like Cells via the FoxO3a-Bmi-1 Axis, ANTIOXIDANTS REDOX SIGNALING, 32(18), 1313-1329, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-06-01
- 최승미, 최준석, 천경수, 김도희, Carnosol induces apoptotic cell death through ROS-dependent inactivation of STAT3 in human melanoma G361 cells, APPLIED BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 62(1), -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2019-10-18
- 주상훈, 천경수, 최준석, 최승미, 하은영, 김도희, 박지은, Thymoquinone induces apoptosis of human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells through ROS-mediated suppression of STAT3, CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS, 312, -, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2019-10-01
- 천경수, 하은영, 그리쉬난, 박금이, 김진영, Selective Wnt/beta-catenin Small-molecule Inhibitor CWP232228 Impairs Tumor Growth of Colon Cancer, ANTICANCER RESEARCH, 39(7), 3661-3667, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2019-07-01
- 천경수, 이숙경, 박금이, 조영식, 최승미, Celecoxib induces apoptosis through Akt inhibition in 5‑fluorouracil‑resistant gastric cancer cells, Toxicological Research, , 1-9, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2020-04-27
- Kim DH, Kundu J, Chae IG, Lee JK, Heo JS, Chun KS, Titanium dioxide nanoparticles induce COX-2 expression through ROS generation in human periodontal ligament cells, JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 44(4-6), 335-345, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2019-05-01
- Juthika Kundu,Do-Hee Kimb, In Gyeong Chae, Jong Kwon Lee, Sooyeun Lee, Chul-Ho Jeong, Kyung-Soo Chun, Silicon dioxide nanoparticles induce COX-2 expression through activation of STAT3 signaling pathway in HaCaT cells, TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO, 52, 235-242, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2018-06-30
- Kim DH, Park JE, Chae IG, Park G, Lee S, Chun KS., Isoliquiritigenin inhibits the proliferation of human renal carcinoma Caki cells through the ROS-mediated regulation of the Jak2/STAT3 pathway, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 38(1), 575-583, 국제전문학술지(Int'l Professional Journals - SCI(E), SSCI, AHCI, Scopus), 2017-06-30
- Juthika Kundu, In Gyeong Chae, Kyung-Soo Chun, Fraxetin Induces Heme Oxygenase-1 Expression by Activation of Akt/Nrf2 or AMP-activated Protein Kinase /Nrf2 Pathway in HaCaT Cells, 대한암예방학회지, 21(3), 135-143, 전국규모전문학술지(Domestic Professional Journals - NRF Registered), 2016-09-30
- J.E. Park, B. Park, I.G. Chae, D.-H. Kim, J. Kundu, J.K. Kundu, K.-S. Chun, Carnosic acid induces apoptosis through inactivation of Src/STAT3 signaling pathway in human renal carcinoma Caki cells, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 35(5), 2723, 국제전문학술지, 2016-05-01
- K.-S. Chun and Minsub Shim, EP2 Induces p38 Phosphorylation via the Activation of Src in HEK 293 Cells, BIOMOLECULES THERAPEUTICS, 23(6), 539, 국제전문학술지, 2015-11-30
- . Kim, D.-H., Park, K.-W., Chae, I.G., Kundu, J., Kim, E-H., Kundu, J.K and Chun, K.-S., Carnosic acid inhibits STAT3 signaling and induces apoptosis through generation of ROS in human colon cancer HCT116 cells, MOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS, 55(6), 1096, 국제전문학술지, 2016-06-01
- Choi, K.S., Kundu, J.K., Chun, K.-S., Na, H.K. and Surh, Y.-J., Rutin inhibits UVB radiation-induced expression of COX-2 and iNOS in hairless mouse skin: p38 MAP kinase and JNK as potential targets, ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 559, 38-45, 국제전문학술지, 2014-10-01
- Kundu, J., Chun, K.-S., Aruoma, O.I. and Kundu, J.K. , Mechanistic perspectives on cancer chemoprevention/chemotherapeutic effects of thymoquinone, MUTATION RESEARCH-FUNDAMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF MUTAGENESIS, 768, 22-34, 국제전문학술지, 2014-10-01
- Chun KS, Kundu J, Kundu JK, Surh YJ, Targeting Nrf2-Keap1 signaling for chemoprevention of skin carcinogenesis with bioactive phytochemicals, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 229, 73-84, 국제전문학술지, 2014-08-17
- Kundu J, Choi BY, Jeong CH, Kundu JK, Chun KS, Thymoquinone induces apoptosis in human colon cancer HCT116 cells through inactivation of STAT3 by blocking JAK2- and Src-mediated phosphorylation of EGF receptor tyrosine kinase, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 32, 821-828, 국제전문학술지, 2014-08-01
- Chae IG, Kim DH, Kundu J, Jeong CH, Kundu JK, Chun KS, Generation of ROS by CAY10598 leads to inactivation of STAT3 signaling and induction of apoptosis in human colon cancer HCT116 cells, FREE RADICAL RESEARCH, 48, 1311-1321, 국제전문학술지, 2014-11-01
- Park KW, Kundu J, Chae IG, Bachar SC, Bae JW, Chun KS., Methanol Extract of Flacourtia indica Aerial Parts Induces Apoptosis via Generation of ROS and Activation of Caspases in Human Colon Cancer HCT116 Cells, ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION, 15, 7291-7296, 국제전문학술지, 2014-09-17
- Kyung-Soo Chun, Juthika Kundu, In Gyeong Chae, Joydeb Kumar Kundu, Carnosol: A Phenolic Diterpene With Cancer
Chemopreventive Potential, 대한암예방학회지, 19(2), 103-110, 국외전문학술지, 2014-06-30
- Kundu, J., Chun, K.-S. Chae IG, and Kundu, J. K. , Phloretin: An Apple Polyphenol with Cancer Chemopreventive Potential, Archives of Basic and Applied Medicin, 2, 15-21, 국외전문학술지, 2014-06-01
- Kundu, J., Roy, M., Bachar, S.S., Chun, K.-S. and Kundu, J.K., Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic activity of methanol extract of Flacourtia indica, Archives of Basic and Applied Medicin, 1, 39-44, 국외전문학술지, 2013-10-01
- Hong, Y.S. Jang, W.J., Chun, K.-S. and Jeong C.H. , Hsp90 inhibition by WK88-1 potently suppresses the growth of gefitinib-resistant H1975 cells harboring the T790M mutation in EGFR, ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 31, 2619-2624, 국제전문학술지, 2014-06-01
- Kundu, J.K. and Chun, K.-S. , The promise of dried fruits in cancer chemoprevention, Asian pacific journal of cancer chemoprevention, 15(8), 3343-3352, 국제전문학술지, 2014-06-01
- Woo, S.M., Min, K.-j., Chae, I.G., Chun, K.-S., and Kwon, T.K. , Silymarin suppresses the PGE2-induced cell migration through inhibition of EP2 activation; G protein-dependent PKA-CREB and G protein-independent Src-STAT3 signal pathways, Molecular Carcinogenesis, 54, 216-228, 국제전문학술지, 2013-10-11
- Jeong, C.-H., Chun, K.-S., Kundu, J. and Park, B, Phosphorylation of Smac by Akt Promotes the Caspase-3 Activation During Etoposide-induced Apoptosis, Molecular Carcinogenesis, 54, 83-92, 국제전문학술지, 2013-09-04
- Woo, S.M., Min, K.-J., Kim, S, Park, J.W., Kim, D.E., Chun, K.-S., Kim, Y.H., Lee, T.J., Kim, S.H., Choi, Y.H., Chang, J.S., Kwon, T.K., Silibinin induces apoptosis of HT29 colon carcinoma cells through early growth response-1 (EGR-1)-mediated non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-activated gene-1 (NAG-1) up-regulation, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 211, 36-43, 국제전문학술지, 2014-03-25
- Ki-Woong Park, Juthika Kundu, In-Gyeong Chae, Do-Hee Kim, Mi-Hee Yu, Joydeb Kumar Kundu, Kyung-Soo Chun, Carnosol induces apoptosis through generation of ROS and inactivation of STAT3 signaling in human colon cancer HCT116 cells, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, 44, 1309-1315, 국제전문학술지, 2014-04-01
- JOON-SEOK CHOI, KYUNG-SOO CHUN, JUTHIKA KUNDU and JOYDEB KUMAR KUNDU, Biochemical basis of cancer chemoprevention and/or chemotherapy with ginsenosides, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 32(6), 1227-1238, 국제전문학술지, 2013-12-01
- Juthika Kundu, Do-Hee Kim, Joydeb Kumar Kundu, Kyung-Soo Chun, Thymoquinone induces heme oxygenase-1 expression in HaCaT cells via Nrf2/ARE activation: Akt and AMPK alpha as upstream targets, FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, 65, 18-26, 국제전문학술지, 2014-03-01
- Kyung-Soo Chun, Eun-Hee Kim, Sooyeon Lee, and Ki Baik Hahm, Chemoprevention of Gastrointestinal Cancer: The Reality and the Dream, Gut and Liver, 7(2), 137-149, 국제전문학술지, 2013-03-01
- Lao HC, Akunda JK, Chun K.-S., Flake GP, Yuspa SH, Langenbach R., Genetic ablation of cyclooxygenase-2 in keratinocytes produces a cell-autonomous defect in tumor formation, Carcinogenesis, 33(11), 2293-2300, 국제전문학술지, 2012-11-01
- Lee, J.K, Sayers, B.C., Chun, K.-S., Lao, H.-C., Shipley-Phillips, J.K., Bonner, J.C., Langenbach, R, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce COX-2 and iNOS expression via MAP Kinase-dependent and - independent mechanisms in mouse RAW264.7 macrophages, Particle and fibre toxicology, 9(14), 14-20, 국제전문학술지, 2012-07-01
- Chae, I.G., Yu, M.H., Im, N.K., Jung, Y.T., Lee, J., Chun,K.-S., Lee, I.S. , Effect of Rosemarinus officinalis L. on MMP-9, MCP-1 Levels, and Cell Migration in RAW 264.7 and Smooth Muscle Cells, Journal of Medicinal Food, 15(10), 879-886, 국제전문학술지, 2012-10-01
- Carol S. Trempus, Sung-Jen Wei, Margaret M. Humble, Hong Dang, Carl D. Bortner, Maria I. Sifre, Grace E. Kissling, Jeffrey A. Sunman, Steven K. Akiyama, John D. Roberts, Charles J. Tucker, Kyung-Soo Chun, Raymond W. Tennant, and Robert Langenbach, A Novel Role for the T-Box Transcription Factor Tbx1 as a Negative Regulator of Tumor Cell Growth in Mice, Molecular Carcinogenesis, , 981-991, 국제전문학술지, 2011-12-01
- Kim KR, Park KK, Chun KS, Chung WY., Honokiol inhibits the progression of collagen-induced arthritis by reducing levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases and blocking oxidative tissue damage., Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 114(1), 69, 국제전문학술지, 2010-09-16
- Chun KS, Lao HC, Langenbach R., The prostaglandin E2 receptor, EP2, stimulates keratinocyte proliferation in mouse skin by G protein-dependent and {beta}-arrestin1-dependent signaling pathways., The Journal of Biological Chemistry , 285(51), 39672, 국제전문학술지, 2010-12-17
- Chun KS, Langenbach R, The prostaglandin E2 receptor, EP2, regulates survivin expression via an EGFR/STAT3 pathway in UVB-exposed mouse skin., Molecular carcinogenesis, 50(6), 439, 국제전문학술지, 2011-06-01
- Chun, K.-S., Lao H.-C.*, Trempus C., Okada M. and Langenbach, R. , The prostaglandin EP2 receptor activates multiple signaling pathways and -arrestin1 complex formation in mouse skin papillomas., Carcinogenesis, 30(9), 1620-1627, 국제전문학술지, 2009-07-08
- Kim, J-E., Chun, W-Y., Chun, K.-S., Lee, C. K., Park, H.-J., Kim, W-B. and Park, K-K. , Pleurospermum kamtschaticum Extract Induces Apoptosis via Mitochondrial Pathway and NAG-1 Expression in Colon Cancer Cells, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 74, 788-792, 국제전문학술지, 2010-01-06
- Kyung-Soo Chun, Robert Langenbach, A Proposed COX-2 and PGE2 Receptor interaction in UV Exposed Mouse., Molecular Carcinogenesis, 46(8), 699-704, 국제전문학술지, 2007-08-30
- Surh YJ, Chun KS, Cancer chemopreventive effects of curcumin., Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 595, 149-172, 국제전문학술지, 2007-06-30
- Jacqueline. Akunda, Kyung-Soo Chun, Alisha R. Sessoms, Huei-Chen Lao, Susan M. Fischer, Robert Langenbach, Cyclooxygenase-2 deficiency increases epidermal apoptosis and impairs recovery following acute UVB exposure. , Molecular Carcinogenesis, 46(6), 354-362, 국제전문학술지, 2007-05-30
- Kyung-Soo Chun, Jacqueline K. Akunda, Robert Langenbach, Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibits UVB-Induced Apoptosis in Mouse Skin by Activating the Prostaglandin E2 Receptors, EP2 and EP4., Cancer Research, 67(5), 2015-2021, 국제전문학술지, 2007-03-30
- Ki Won Lee, Joydeb Kumar Kundu, Sue Ok Kim, Kyung-Soo Chun, Hyong Joo Lee, Young-Joon Surh, Cocoa polyphenols inhibit phorbol ester-induced superoxide anion formation in cultured HL-60 cells and expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and activation of NF-kappa B and MAPKs in mouse skin in vivo, JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 136, 1150-1155, 국제전문학술지, 2006-05-30
- Kyung-Soo, Joydeb Kumar Kundu, Kwang-Kyun Park, Won-Yoon Chung, Young-Joon Surh, Inhibition of Phorbol Ester-induced Mouse Skin Tumor Promotion and COX-2 Expression by Celecoxib: C/EBP as a Potential Molecular Target, Cancer Research and Treatment, 38(3), 152-158, 전국규모전문학술지, 2006-06-30